Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm wishing you all happy EARLY THANKSGIVING becasue I know i will be a BUSY BEE on Thanksgving day. Be ""THANK""FUL 4 everything you have becasue many PEOPL in the world don't have what we have. Be sharing, kind and genorous :D Havvvvve nice THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! PEACE OUT


I'm going to Catholic Shool soon.. back to normal sceduel ( i so know i spelt that wrong, but whatever) I'm nervous yet excited... so idk(lol) I know this is a short blog but I don't care i just felt like posting it beacsue my friend said I should post how I feel. I have to wake up at 6 AM (hurray) and school starts @ 7:30 AM and finish at 2:15 so I really start and done at same times as u guys do.