Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sex Ed!

Werid title right? Next whole week in religion, were gonna learn about the"body" which do include reproduction. A guy is coming in to talk to us about stuff and yeah... But everybody likes the guy, his name is Joe, he is young and he is so funny! Right now were putting on a play about the stations of the cross. It's friday and it's like an hour. Not hard at all! It's suppose to be serious and nobody can laugh, it's about Jesus. Well Joe is our director and he is sooo FUNNY! We all have to wear BLACK! FUN! We get pizza after it so that would be yummy. I might get a puppy! We have been fostering it for 3 days and he is sooooo ADORABLE! It's huskey lab mix. It's black and got like bit of white on it's cheast and paws. It's going to be a big dog! He's 5 month old and right now he is teething (i have got bitten by him... still adorable) he is black! pretty! His paw is really big and at end of his tail, he's got white hair, it's soo cool when he wags it! L8r!

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