Tuesday, May 25, 2010


WOOOOHOOOO! School is out! yup! SUMMER ALREADY! :) Tonight's graduation! :) I'M SO excited. it's going to be BITTERSWEET.... I am kinda sad were leaving friends, but i am finally happy were going to be in HS! Ha ha... during the trip to HOLIDAY WORLD i got sun burnt! :( but it was extremely fun( except the part when people kept hitting my sun burnt... OWWW) And today was our last day of school :( some people cried.. i didn't! I'm sooo happy its summer!) i have waited soooo long for this! you know what's really weird? we don't get our years books till like in middle of summer! now not everyone can sign it! wow this does not make sense. RIGHT!? i don't care if he question mark is before the explanation mark.

1 comment:

  1. holy crap shannon!!!!!! u guys are graduating already?! dang! we haven't even gone to D.C. yet, but we have 7 more days to go til D.C.! yeah baby! and its tonite? wow
