Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How I feel at this moment,

Ummmmmm... i don't know,

Righ now it's Winter* Break(at public school) or Christmas* Break (at Chatholic school) : sorry that was random, but I just had to point that out. I'm writing this blog because I have nothing else better to do, hehe. I have my Christmas tree up (fake) because I don't know, I think it was because we were to lazy to try or they just ran out of trees, hehe. Anyways, real or fake, I think it looks fine. Okay I am going to get to the part when I talk about how I feel at this moment. if you want simple answer: I'm BORED, but for some of you maybe not anyone want to know the details of why i'm bored, i'll tell you cause I have nothing else to do anyways. I'm bored (you know already) is becasue i have nothing to do and i'm not at the point yet that I feel comfortable by inviting friends over. I wish I was back in NJ and inviting friends over and have cookies, watch pointless movies and have a great time. (but thats not going to happen so WHATEVER!) I have two weeks off :P ( i'm kind of happy about that ) Right now i'm MAD becasue it snows here once in awhile and it won't ........ STICK. and I don't think it feels like CHRISTMAS W/O SNOOOOOOWWW! I really want it snow so I can go out and play with Sheppy and chasing after him and him trying to bite my gloves and play tug of war with them. :P I also REALLY, REALLY, miss PIXIE! I don't know, it's just it doesn't feel like Christmas to me yet, usually i would be all hiped up and stuff but now... i missed that she would eat snow and sometimes we couldn't find her in the snow. I also miss her cuddling with me at night when it's cold or just anyday when she would come and cuddle up with me, :'( *if ur reading this, sorry I know it's "kind" of long.) but i think it's good to put out my emotions and how I feel maybe it would be better...