Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I AM A FREASMAN NOW! Wow... I never thought this day would come. Grauduation was great... I think the slide show was my favorite :) They messed up on diplomas... 2 people didn't get it ( they were like the smartest kids ) yehh they probabaly will get it today... and it was suppose to be in order and that didn't happen either. But anyways slide show was soooo funny! JUST FOR THE RECORD>>>> I DIDN'T CRY!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


WOOOOHOOOO! School is out! yup! SUMMER ALREADY! :) Tonight's graduation! :) I'M SO excited. it's going to be BITTERSWEET.... I am kinda sad were leaving friends, but i am finally happy were going to be in HS! Ha ha... during the trip to HOLIDAY WORLD i got sun burnt! :( but it was extremely fun( except the part when people kept hitting my sun burnt... OWWW) And today was our last day of school :( some people cried.. i didn't! I'm sooo happy its summer!) i have waited soooo long for this! you know what's really weird? we don't get our years books till like in middle of summer! now not everyone can sign it! wow this does not make sense. RIGHT!? i don't care if he question mark is before the explanation mark.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


It's been so long since I have blogged. Wow last time blogged i had two weeks left of school... Now it's sunday.. so only 2 more days of school left! well not school exactly because all our books are gone :) OMG, last friday, we had 8th grade breakfast and it was nasty! Well cafateria breakfast foods are gross! Yehh I couldn't even eat lunch that day :( Comeing up monday... H-O-L-I-D-A-Y W-O-R-L-D! AMUSEMENT PARK AND IT'S GOING TO BE IN the 90'S so it's gonna be really hot! And on tuesday, we get out half day and go outside beczuse its gonna be spring carnival... it should have been summer but whatever. So i am pretty excited schoo is going to be out. :) TTYL!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Graduation presents :)

My mom is giving me her i think around like 1yr old MAC BOOK PRO laptop for my graduation! She got a new one but her old one is practically new! I am very excited! I want to thank my grandparents for my early graduation present! It's a Nikon camera and it's TOUCH SCREEN! (haha suprisingly, the camera isn't filled with pictures of me!) ONLY 2 WEEKS OF SCHOOL LEFT! :)) <---- DOUBLE CHIN! REMEMBER MY ALIEN SMILEY FACE? It has 3 eyes but i couldn't do that on here! :X

Sunday, May 2, 2010


We have FIELD DAY on MONDAY! School is going by soooo fast! we have like 3 weeks of school left :))))) YAY! May crowning, grauduation and HOLIDAY WORLD! I AM SOO EXCITED!