Sunday, May 23, 2010


It's been so long since I have blogged. Wow last time blogged i had two weeks left of school... Now it's sunday.. so only 2 more days of school left! well not school exactly because all our books are gone :) OMG, last friday, we had 8th grade breakfast and it was nasty! Well cafateria breakfast foods are gross! Yehh I couldn't even eat lunch that day :( Comeing up monday... H-O-L-I-D-A-Y W-O-R-L-D! AMUSEMENT PARK AND IT'S GOING TO BE IN the 90'S so it's gonna be really hot! And on tuesday, we get out half day and go outside beczuse its gonna be spring carnival... it should have been summer but whatever. So i am pretty excited schoo is going to be out. :) TTYL!

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