Wednesday, January 6, 2010



We have to do this report about like Catholic people in our place and who founded it and etc... like seriously? Our religion teacher is soo mean! She got mad cuz i forgot one thing! you guys are so lucky that u can miss like alot of homework without getting detention for it! In each class if we miss a homework, we get a damirit (warning paper that your parents have to sign it) and if you get 3 damirit, you get DETENTION! I also hate music and health! Music is pointless and so is Health! to make us feel better, out Health teacher is also our RELIGION TEACHER! DOUBLE THE FUN! Music teacher, we have tests and we have to learn to play the piano. and eveything we learn will be on the test... i mean EVERYTHING! I mean most teachers just have like the important stuff on the test but she had a test about a guy that works at St. Johns and he played instruments he played and everything! lie "How old is he"? hows that important?! so i was bored and i felt the need to express my feelings :D

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