Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pictures :- )

Well I was bored (I really got to stop saying that!) So I just went on google and searched up random stuff and I found some really funny and cute pictures = ) *I also use ":D" to much so i'm going to change it. Hope this cheers you up if ur feeling in a bad mood or ur bored (LIKE ME) it will kill sometime reading my blog. But Miss. A (a.k.a Math Teacher, evil one too, thats why I didn't mention her name becuz i don't want her to kill me in my sleep!) disagrees, she says the first day I had her, "I never waste a minute in my class" I mean like seriously it's a minute B4( before ) class ends yet she still make you stay and do stuff untill it's time to go. so when your bored, here's a suggestion, DO MATH PROBLEMS!!! you know I just love it, it's so entertaning! LOL "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT" OF OCURSE YOU KNEW THAT!
<---Thats so me
Up* See the mouse or whatever the animal is? Well funny story, Miss. A gave me a lunch detention and I have to admit it was soooo funny and probably best lunch day of my life so far... anyways so I had lunch detention with her and it was soo funny because she had carrot sticks with her and she started to eat them and she sounded like a HORSE, Seriously, it was like "Crunch" and on and and i'm just sitting there laughing, and she was like "BE QUIET" umm has she met me? NO ONE tells Me to be queit when I am in middle of laughing lol = ) okay people do but doesn't mean I will stop... lol. HOPE you enjoy my not so funny story!