Saturday, January 9, 2010



I had to take a test today and it wasn't like one page test, it's was an placement test for the highschool i'm going to :D It's called "Explore" and it lists stuff that we might be good at for our career jobs. Anyways I had to wake up like 6:45 in the morning and finshed the test 11:30!! sooo long :( we had four sections, English (I think I did okay) Reading (same, okay..) Math (i thought I did some what okay...) and Science... ( ummm it was really hard and i guessed on alot of them so yeah I didn't think I did okay on that one but whatever aleast I tried :D and there were some what alot of people... it was okay size, smaller than I thought (Thank GOD) anyways so i'm gettig ready to play Batmitten ( I think thats how u spell it ) with my neiborghs ( IK I SPELT THAT WORNG) lol.... leave comment and tell me how wuz your saturday! :D

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