Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm REALLY EXCITED IF U CAN'T TELL! We have the 8th graders Vs Teachers Volleyball coming soon in 2 weeks!!!!!!!! I just love playing sports against the teachers because it's soo funny! I'm excited and i'll tell you what happens after it, I bet u billion $ we will win! We have this Bishop person comeing to visit us soon and after wards guess what? FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! SHANNON'S FAVORITE THING IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! actually NO, God is and my parents and my DOG PIXIE = ) Don't ask why everything is CAPTILIZED, beacsue I don't even know! maybe becasue i'm excited about stuff going on here I guess :D OOOOPPPPSSSS = ) BETTER! THATS IT 4 NOW! Thats was big!


  1. hey its julia.. i read ur profile! its so funny i almost peed my pants... volleyball is starting her soon too

  2. haha cool! yeah i'm prattay excited!
