Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Very Nervous!

Okay so @ Allamuchy, you might remember when I did morning announcement and I laughed... yeah I kind of got in trouble but whatever... anyways well back on subject, I have to do morning annoucement NEXT TUESDAY! We don't read like lunch menues or anything... since i'm in a catholic school so what I have to do is find our Saint(s) of the day and write like a paragraph or like a summary about the Saint(s) and a prayer to go along with it. I'm really scared that I will screw up and laugh! SO WISH ME LUCK! I have had soo much HOMEWORK for the last 2 weeks! lets just say I started like at 4pm and guess when I finish... 9:30pm!!! I mean dinner break but still! thats alot of homeworks! I'm going to stop complaning now... COMMENTS PLEASE!


  1. haha good luck
    i have done annoucement twice this year :) and i laughed too and got in trouble, but r u going emo on me? cause u sound depressed on your "about me" colum. LOL hehe

  2. My dear sis, do not worry be brave be confident use the self esteem you have!


  3. haha Christina.. it's okay i was kidding lol

  4. u know, i could never do that with a straight face. good luck.
