Saturday, June 26, 2010
i am done
well... i think i am officially done blogging. It's not like anyone see's it and i agree with Allison, it's like talking to myself... not that kind of a person. BYE BLOGGER!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Working out?
DO you any of you workout?? I do once in awhile and yesterday was i think the most i worked during the summer so far. I did 200 sit ups without taking a break(wow i was exhausted, because i also played soccer with my brother before all that) AND TODAY... My abs hurt and i knew it was going to hurt too. Ohh by the way i found out you can't really have 3 abs.... but i know i have 6 pack. You can see it better now, but i am going to work on that till i can really see it. ADVICE: STAY HEALTHY!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
OMG MY GOSH! I AM SOOOOOOO MAD! MY FREAKIN iTouch BROKE! I mean it would break right before summer really starts! I guess it is kinda old.... I did abuse it alittle....( It got dropped couple times.... and i just have to much stuff in there.. so i am getting what i derserve.) No but it was all in accident. Ipods drop but thats not might fault! I am going to get a new one... it could take awhile though. I need like 100$ more and i'll have enough :) I am getting a 32GB iTouch. My Itouch was kind of old... I think like I got it summer of 2008. I think it's about time i need to get a new one. Ohh Gosh! We just got a new basketball hoop and I think almost everyone was fine with it untill we got a letter saying it's not allowed. We don't even know who it's from. no address or name! Just blank envolope and telling us we arn't allowed in fornt of our house. One of our neighbors doesn't like kids! Everyone else was fine with it. They always comment how they like kids playing outside and we have alot of nice neighbors just some can be annoying. I guess anywhere you move, you'll always have neighbors that are just annoying!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I AM A FREASMAN NOW! Wow... I never thought this day would come. Grauduation was great... I think the slide show was my favorite :) They messed up on diplomas... 2 people didn't get it ( they were like the smartest kids ) yehh they probabaly will get it today... and it was suppose to be in order and that didn't happen either. But anyways slide show was soooo funny! JUST FOR THE RECORD>>>> I DIDN'T CRY!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
WOOOOHOOOO! School is out! yup! SUMMER ALREADY! :) Tonight's graduation! :) I'M SO excited. it's going to be BITTERSWEET.... I am kinda sad were leaving friends, but i am finally happy were going to be in HS! Ha ha... during the trip to HOLIDAY WORLD i got sun burnt! :( but it was extremely fun( except the part when people kept hitting my sun burnt... OWWW) And today was our last day of school :( some people cried.. i didn't! I'm sooo happy its summer!) i have waited soooo long for this! you know what's really weird? we don't get our years books till like in middle of summer! now not everyone can sign it! wow this does not make sense. RIGHT!? i don't care if he question mark is before the explanation mark.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
It's been so long since I have blogged. Wow last time blogged i had two weeks left of school... Now it's sunday.. so only 2 more days of school left! well not school exactly because all our books are gone :) OMG, last friday, we had 8th grade breakfast and it was nasty! Well cafateria breakfast foods are gross! Yehh I couldn't even eat lunch that day :( Comeing up monday... H-O-L-I-D-A-Y W-O-R-L-D! AMUSEMENT PARK AND IT'S GOING TO BE IN the 90'S so it's gonna be really hot! And on tuesday, we get out half day and go outside beczuse its gonna be spring carnival... it should have been summer but whatever. So i am pretty excited schoo is going to be out. :) TTYL!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Graduation presents :)
My mom is giving me her i think around like 1yr old MAC BOOK PRO laptop for my graduation! She got a new one but her old one is practically new! I am very excited! I want to thank my grandparents for my early graduation present! It's a Nikon camera and it's TOUCH SCREEN! (haha suprisingly, the camera isn't filled with pictures of me!) ONLY 2 WEEKS OF SCHOOL LEFT! :)) <---- DOUBLE CHIN! REMEMBER MY ALIEN SMILEY FACE? It has 3 eyes but i couldn't do that on here! :X
Sunday, May 2, 2010
We have FIELD DAY on MONDAY! School is going by soooo fast! we have like 3 weeks of school left :))))) YAY! May crowning, grauduation and HOLIDAY WORLD! I AM SOO EXCITED!
Friday, April 23, 2010
May Crowning
It's like crowning Mary(Church thing, and it would make sense since I go to a catholic scool) We get to wear a dreses. We also get to walk down by guys, since there is like 13 boys, girls will double up on guys(A girl on each side of a guy...) I am SOOOOOOOO am excited!
It's like crowning Mary(Church thing, and it would make sense since I go to a catholic scool) We get to wear a dreses. We also get to walk down by guys, since there is like 13 boys, girls will double up on guys(A girl on each side of a guy...) I am SOOOOOOOO am excited!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Okay wondering why the title is "Theo"? well... that my PUPPY'S NAME! My mom thought he looked like a teddy bear(idk) so yeah! I finally got pictures! It's been soo busy here lightly sorry if I havn't blogged for awhile! HERE'S THE PICS! (BTW) If you havn't caught on, it's a BOY! DON'T you think he is sooo cute! He is about 4 month old right now, I know he is pretty big for a puppy size but he's going to be a big dog :D
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
We adopted the puppy today! We still don't know what were going to name the puppy! I am soo excited and happy! I fell in love with that puppy since the first day he came to the shelter! I would go in his cage and play with him! He is such a sweetie! I'll post pictures whe I get them! WOW IT'S REALLY BIG! LOL
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sex Ed!
Werid title right? Next whole week in religion, were gonna learn about the"body" which do include reproduction. A guy is coming in to talk to us about stuff and yeah... But everybody likes the guy, his name is Joe, he is young and he is so funny! Right now were putting on a play about the stations of the cross. It's friday and it's like an hour. Not hard at all! It's suppose to be serious and nobody can laugh, it's about Jesus. Well Joe is our director and he is sooo FUNNY! We all have to wear BLACK! FUN! We get pizza after it so that would be yummy. I might get a puppy! We have been fostering it for 3 days and he is sooooo ADORABLE! It's huskey lab mix. It's black and got like bit of white on it's cheast and paws. It's going to be a big dog! He's 5 month old and right now he is teething (i have got bitten by him... still adorable) he is black! pretty! His paw is really big and at end of his tail, he's got white hair, it's soo cool when he wags it! L8r!
Friday, March 19, 2010
It's friday, last day of school before SPRING BREAK! I am sooooooo happy! I need a BREAK! It's only a week though (BOOOOO...) So what I am gonna do for spring break is SLEEP!( I really need to catch up on my sleep, I havn't lately becuz of homework and day light savings )How long is your spring break?! and When?? When we go back to school, I think we only have like 6-7 weeks left of school! HELLO SUMMER! LUCKY ME! Anyways I can't wait to get out of St. John's( NO MORE STUPID MUSIC CLASS ) I am still scared about high school! AHHHHH!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My dress...
Here's a picture of my Dress for graduation/may crowning! I still have to get 2inch straps since it's catholic school and thats BAD if your sholders are "SHOWING"...

Also...Since it's the "internet" i can't show you my dress with me in because bad guys will stalk me! so here what the dress looks like! :D

Pi day!
Well as you all know( haha I bet like only few of you know ) it's PI DAY TODAY! Right now it's kind of hard for me to type because two of my fingers are taped together because I am hurt!(DON'T LAUGH ALLISON) so I only can type with 8 fingers... thats hard!(TWSS) If u want to know what happened, i'll tell you. Ian is home! well we were playing soccer and I went to reach for the "Soccer" ball since i'm goalie, well he is try to shoot the ball and he kicked my hand backwards and now it hurts REALLY badly :D(idk... I know right? what's up with the smiley face?) Well anywhooo, back to the subject! So are you guys doing anything for PI DAY? Our teachers said we could have a party so people volunteered to bring stuff in! I am bringing in a PUMPKIN PIE! Arn't you guys having math fair soon? since it's PI DAY and you normally have math fair around then.
First 1000 digits 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 ( I know your not going to read it but I felt like putting it up there! )
RECORD!!!!!! This has been the longest blog I have written! ( I cheated though so does that count?) iI just copyed and pasted the Pi digits!( I know... I AM A CHEATER. AHHHHHHH)
First 1000 digits 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 ( I know your not going to read it but I felt like putting it up there! )
RECORD!!!!!! This has been the longest blog I have written! ( I cheated though so does that count?) iI just copyed and pasted the Pi digits!( I know... I AM A CHEATER. AHHHHHHH)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Well track started last week and practices are 2x a week! And I heard people say our school has a really good track team :D We do SO much stuff it's not EVEN FUNNY! my legs are sore from last week and it's gonna add more sore since we had practice today! We fill out entire time running and maybe all togther like 5min water brake. I might join softball but it won't be the same without CHRISTINA! We were like always partners :D I miss my softball BUDDY! Thats it for now BYE!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Yeah my title "idk" yeah cuz I really don't know... i'm just blogging cuz I have nothing else to do. Also because it's been soooo long since I have blogged :D I have been actually really busy lately with homeowrk and everything that I lost track of the days... The weather is kind of changing YAY! Were allowed to wear uniform shorts now and they aren't bad looking. Except my mom has to ruine the fun by saying I am only allowed to wear them when it over 40 DEGREES outside! Everyone is gonna wear shorts starting monday except ME! NOOOO FUN! and the shorts I was looking at was not 'LOW RISE' it's actually same as my regular uniorm pants( haha random) GRRRRRR I AM MAD! *CHECK THIS OUT!* soooo for my STUPID music class, we have to learn "Hoedown Throwdown" from HANNAH MONTANA THE MOVIE, dance... I know like 89% of the moves. SoOoOoO hopefully I get a goood GRADE!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I miss you guys... ( Too many people to mention names) I love all the years of fun we had together and jokes and everything! I miss the school, teachers, FEILD HOCKEY, and other sports and just laughing at random times for no HECK of a REASON! I also miss going to Ally's house when I was bored and we just did nothing and sat around and talked! I still love how me and Allison went to miniture golf and i wasn't sooo smart "than" that I forgot to put my bucket under the machine to get out the golf balls. We also went to the driving range and Ally... could not hit a golf ball at all... I was laughing the whole time of course! and btw Ally, I still have the GREEN trophy I won for the miniture golf!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Long time no blog...
How's everyone doing?! I've have been sooo busy with homework and stuff it's been like CRAZZY! Anyways everyone is like talking about American Idol and everything and truthfully it really sucks this year... it also sucked last year too because "Kara" had to be in it! I'm SUPER MAD because COLTS lost the superbowl! They were horrible that day eccept Reggie Wayne and Joseph Addai, they are like ALWAYS AMAZING! ***** #17 a.k.a AUSTIN COLLIE SUCKED ( sorry for the rudeness) but he missed like every pass PEYTON THREW AT HIM!***** GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I HOPE EVERYONE IS ENJOYING LIFE!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Omigosh! It SNOWED HERE! lol we have like 6inches and it's "packing" SNOW! THATS means.................................SNOW BALL FIGHT! Yeahh this might be the only snow were going to have this winter.... THATS STUPID! Grr! anyways, i've been having snowball fights with my neighbors (I WON) of course... lol anyways sooo i'm enoyjoying the snow while it last! THis is short... okay cya everyone!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Today we had MEGA PARTY at school, and it was soo much fun! You might wonder... What is an Mega Party???? well it's bunch of inflatable stuff and it's like big! Kindergartiners were 1st and 8th graders were 2nd( NOT A GOOD IDEA FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.. Teachers... WE BREAK STUFF!) and we deflated the PIRATE SHIP! LOL it was soooo much fun and we didn't get trouble for it! I got sat on the FACE by couple people and I couldn't breath! lol what if I DIED? What would u do w/o me?! = ) lol anyways i'm SOOOO GALD IT"S THE WEEKEND!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
We lost our volleyball game! Grrr! I though we had chance! I served pretty good but like other people didn't even try... I mean i'm not saying I was best or anything but I was one of the better ones lol. AHHHHHHH Grammer QUIZ tomorrow! I am starting understand it now... so thats good = ) Thats it for now : ) right now were in the holocaust unit... I mean yes I feel bad for the Jews and people who got killed by the EVIL NAZIS and I know how important it is and we need to remember it but I think they like do way tooo much of it... my opinion anyways.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Updates about ME = ) lol
Okay so I did Morning annocement today and "ohhhh" "wow" okay you might think... "Shannon, you so laughed didn't you?! and you might not believe it but i actually didn't luagh at all! But i did mess up on one word and I said 'ahh'(for like a second) anyways when I was reading it, my body was 'Shaking' the WHOLE TIME! I read it REALLY FAST so i could get over with it. lol = ) Later that day people were like "haha you said "Ahh" and also was like you read it really fast" but they understood me so that was good. I was watching football last sunday and it was COLTS vs jets ( notice i din't even captilize 'jets'?) lol I "DON'T" like them AT all. AND COLTS WON! Yup thats right, there going to the SUPERBOWL!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Very Nervous!
Okay so @ Allamuchy, you might remember when I did morning announcement and I laughed... yeah I kind of got in trouble but whatever... anyways well back on subject, I have to do morning annoucement NEXT TUESDAY! We don't read like lunch menues or anything... since i'm in a catholic school so what I have to do is find our Saint(s) of the day and write like a paragraph or like a summary about the Saint(s) and a prayer to go along with it. I'm really scared that I will screw up and laugh! SO WISH ME LUCK! I have had soo much HOMEWORK for the last 2 weeks! lets just say I started like at 4pm and guess when I finish... 9:30pm!!! I mean dinner break but still! thats alot of homeworks! I'm going to stop complaning now... COMMENTS PLEASE!
Monday, January 11, 2010
I'm REALLY EXCITED IF U CAN'T TELL! We have the 8th graders Vs Teachers Volleyball coming soon in 2 weeks!!!!!!!! I just love playing sports against the teachers because it's soo funny! I'm excited and i'll tell you what happens after it, I bet u billion $ we will win! We have this Bishop person comeing to visit us soon and after wards guess what? FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! SHANNON'S FAVORITE THING IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! actually NO, God is and my parents and my DOG PIXIE = ) Don't ask why everything is CAPTILIZED, beacsue I don't even know! maybe becasue i'm excited about stuff going on here I guess :D OOOOPPPPSSSS = ) BETTER! THATS IT 4 NOW! Thats was big!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! SHANNON'S FAVORITE THING IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! actually NO, God is and my parents and my DOG PIXIE = ) Don't ask why everything is CAPTILIZED, beacsue I don't even know! maybe becasue i'm excited about stuff going on here I guess :D OOOOPPPPSSSS = ) BETTER! THATS IT 4 NOW! Thats was big!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Pictures :- )
Well I was bored (I really got to stop saying that!) So I just went on google and searched up random stuff and I found some really funny and cute pictures = ) *I also use ":D" to much so i'm going to change it. Hope this cheers you up if ur feeling in a bad mood or ur bored (LIKE ME) it will kill sometime reading my blog. But Miss. A (a.k.a Math Teacher, evil one too, thats why I didn't mention her name becuz i don't want her to kill me in my sleep!) disagrees, she says the first day I had her, "I never waste a minute in my class" I mean like seriously it's a minute B4( before ) class ends yet she still make you stay and do stuff untill it's time to go. so when your bored, here's a suggestion, DO MATH PROBLEMS!!! you know I just love it, it's so entertaning! LOL "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT" OF OCURSE YOU KNEW THAT!
Up* See the mouse or whatever the animal is? Well funny story, Miss. A gave me a lunch detention and I have to admit it was soooo funny and probably best lunch day of my life so far... anyways so I had lunch detention with her and it was soo funny because she had carrot sticks with her and she started to eat them and she sounded like a HORSE, Seriously, it was like "Crunch" and on and and i'm just sitting there laughing, and she was like "BE QUIET" umm has she met me? NO ONE tells Me to be queit when I am in middle of laughing lol = ) okay people do but doesn't mean I will stop... lol. HOPE you enjoy my not so funny story!
I had to take a test today and it wasn't like one page test, it's was an placement test for the highschool i'm going to :D It's called "Explore" and it lists stuff that we might be good at for our career jobs. Anyways I had to wake up like 6:45 in the morning and finshed the test 11:30!! sooo long :( we had four sections, English (I think I did okay) Reading (same, okay..) Math (i thought I did some what okay...) and Science... ( ummm it was really hard and i guessed on alot of them so yeah I didn't think I did okay on that one but whatever aleast I tried :D and there were some what alot of people... it was okay size, smaller than I thought (Thank GOD) anyways so i'm gettig ready to play Batmitten ( I think thats how u spell it ) with my neiborghs ( IK I SPELT THAT WORNG) lol.... leave comment and tell me how wuz your saturday! :D
I had to take a test today and it wasn't like one page test, it's was an placement test for the highschool i'm going to :D It's called "Explore" and it lists stuff that we might be good at for our career jobs. Anyways I had to wake up like 6:45 in the morning and finshed the test 11:30!! sooo long :( we had four sections, English (I think I did okay) Reading (same, okay..) Math (i thought I did some what okay...) and Science... ( ummm it was really hard and i guessed on alot of them so yeah I didn't think I did okay on that one but whatever aleast I tried :D and there were some what alot of people... it was okay size, smaller than I thought (Thank GOD) anyways so i'm gettig ready to play Batmitten ( I think thats how u spell it ) with my neiborghs ( IK I SPELT THAT WORNG) lol.... leave comment and tell me how wuz your saturday! :D
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
We have to do this report about like Catholic people in our place and who founded it and etc... like seriously? Our religion teacher is soo mean! She got mad cuz i forgot one thing! you guys are so lucky that u can miss like alot of homework without getting detention for it! In each class if we miss a homework, we get a damirit (warning paper that your parents have to sign it) and if you get 3 damirit, you get DETENTION! I also hate music and health! Music is pointless and so is Health! to make us feel better, out Health teacher is also our RELIGION TEACHER! DOUBLE THE FUN! Music teacher, we have tests and we have to learn to play the piano. and eveything we learn will be on the test... i mean EVERYTHING! I mean most teachers just have like the important stuff on the test but she had a test about a guy that works at St. Johns and he played instruments he played and everything! lie "How old is he"? hows that important?! so i was bored and i felt the need to express my feelings :D
We have to do this report about like Catholic people in our place and who founded it and etc... like seriously? Our religion teacher is soo mean! She got mad cuz i forgot one thing! you guys are so lucky that u can miss like alot of homework without getting detention for it! In each class if we miss a homework, we get a damirit (warning paper that your parents have to sign it) and if you get 3 damirit, you get DETENTION! I also hate music and health! Music is pointless and so is Health! to make us feel better, out Health teacher is also our RELIGION TEACHER! DOUBLE THE FUN! Music teacher, we have tests and we have to learn to play the piano. and eveything we learn will be on the test... i mean EVERYTHING! I mean most teachers just have like the important stuff on the test but she had a test about a guy that works at St. Johns and he played instruments he played and everything! lie "How old is he"? hows that important?! so i was bored and i felt the need to express my feelings :D
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I don't have spanish as an subject at my school so be JEALOUS! haha i'm bored (SHOCKER!) so i'm gonna write something in Spanish and you'll have to figure out what it is ;)
Vaya, me sorprende que incluso levantó la presente. Yo realmente no tengo nada que decir, gracioso. Estoy aburrido, así que lo hizo para jugar. Bueno ahora ya sabes lo que dice en español!
Just copy and paste this to google translator (spanish 2 English)
Vaya, me sorprende que incluso levantó la presente. Yo realmente no tengo nada que decir, gracioso. Estoy aburrido, así que lo hizo para jugar. Bueno ahora ya sabes lo que dice en español!
Just copy and paste this to google translator (spanish 2 English)
Things and people i'm afarid of...
I'm bored so i'm doing this to kill time. Here are lists of my fears...
1) Getting Report Card
2) Spiders
3) Snakes(blahhhhhhhhh)
4) When my Mom yells at me really loud
5) Mean teachers
6) Insects
7) Edward Cullen
8) Clowns
9) My oldest Brother
10) Dentists
11) Allison Z
There you have it :D 11 things and people that scares me, i have more but can't think of them right now.
1) Getting Report Card
2) Spiders
3) Snakes(blahhhhhhhhh)
4) When my Mom yells at me really loud
5) Mean teachers
6) Insects
7) Edward Cullen
8) Clowns
9) My oldest Brother
10) Dentists
11) Allison Z
There you have it :D 11 things and people that scares me, i have more but can't think of them right now.
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